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Cub Scout Races

Cub Scout Projects

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Pack 112 Dens Have A Great First Meeting

We had a great meeting for our first Den gathering. Each of the Dens created their own Den Flag. We have some very creative and Artistic Scouts in our Pack! Guests and new buddies are always encouraged currently we have 3 tigers, 4 wolves, 4 Bears, and 4 Webelo I's. We also assigned Numbers to each of the Dens.

Den Numbers are as Follows: Tigers-Den 8; Wolves-Den 7; Bears-Den 6; Webelos I-Den 5; and Webelos II-Den 2.

Thank you to all of the Parents who stepped up and helped out! Cub Scouts is a family oriented program and Cubs with involved parents are more successful and have more fun. Take advantage of the Cub Scout activities and teach them responsibility. Cubs should always help out with cleaning and set-up whenever possible.

I did not get to review this at our meeting but each Cub should bring their handbook to every meeting. We will try to sign off on activities we did in the meeting and also review what cubs and parents have done at home. The handbook is a great resource for home activities. A parent can work on any of the activities at home and sign off on the activity in the book. The cub's den leader will review their progress and record it in the advancement log.

NEXT WEEK - September 15, Cubs will make flag stands for their new flags, create den yells and calls, And work on Bobcat. All Cubs should review the Bobcat rank at Home. I hope to award rank to all of our Cubs at the September 29th Pack Meeting.

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