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Cub Scout Races

Cub Scout Projects

Friday, May 16, 2008

All Pack Cubs - Work on your Cub Promise, Motto and Laws of the Pack

We are quizing the Cubs of our pack on the Cub Scout Promise, The Cub Scout motto, and the Laws of the Pack. It is mandatory for all of our cubs to have this memorized. We will ask the cubs to recite them together and then ask what they mean to them.

At the next meeting we need input from the parents on what day would be best for a Parent Committee meeting. Thank You

WeBeLo IIs getting ready for Scouting

Our WeBeLo II den visited Troop 116 during our last meeting. They were greeted and welcomed to join the scouts at Troop 116.

The Cub Scouting program prepares all of our cubs for Boy Scouts. Cubs are introduced to scouting values and basic skills. We are proud that all four of our WeBeLo IIs are planning on continuing into Boy Scouts and work towards earning their Eagle Scout Award.

All four of our WeBelo IIs are on track for earning their Arrow of Light award. This award is the only award in Cub Scouts that can be displayed on your Boy Scout Uniform. We should be Proud of our Scouts and wish them well in their scouting futures.