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Cub Scout Races

Cub Scout Projects

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Recuiting Night at Lincoln School - Thursday, March 27

Kevin Friedrich our district representative is hosting a new cub recruitment night at Lincoln School. He would like our leaders and cubs to help support the evening. He has spoken to some of the classes at Lincoln and distributed flyers for the event.

If this night is successful we could look forward to new cubs coming into our pack prior to the summer break so we can have a full pack for the beginning of the school year next season. I will be out of town so need volunteers to step up and help for this evening.

Thursday, March 27, 2008 at 7:00 pm. Please leave a comment on this post if you can attend and I will forward the information to Kevin.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Amtrak Train Trip - April 26th

The Train trip is on and Confirmed - We need money and names of all passengers turned into Mrs. Dowty, ASAP. We need to pay for the tickets during the first week of April. There will be a permission slip and parental information sheet to be filled out by all trip participants. Just a reminder that we need to pay in cash and the tickets are $12 per person round-trip.
We have the following families and number going on the trip, Nishimoto - 6, TheLanders- 4, Ninos- 5-,Rodriguez-3, Arredondo/ Ochoa- 2, Coles- 2, Ivory- 2, Patterson/King- 4, Gamiz- 3, ayala- 6, Dowty- 6, Carrillo- 4, Solorio- 5. We have reserved a total of 60 seats, so there are a few additional seats available so please contact myself or Mrs Dowty if you are not on the list. Also, there are no refunds.
You may ask questions in the comments section.
Thank You.
Cubmaster Nishimoto

No Pack meetings During Easter Break

Due to the school being closed we will not be meeting during Spring Break. So there is no meeting on March 17 nor March 24th. We will resume regular meetings on March 31.

Welcome to the Pack 112 Blog

I have been trying to come up with a way to communicate more effectively with everyone in the Pack. Hopefully this will help me meet that goal. If you have any suggestions please let me know. If you respond to this blog using the online feature please be aware that this is the internet and any information will be out on the web. Hopefully I will be able to keep this updated and let everyone know what is going on from week to week.

Thank You,

Cubmaster, Wally Nishimoto