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Cub Scout Races

Cub Scout Projects

Thursday, October 30, 2008

MAP to Scout Shop

I have added a google Map link the website. Go to the Cub Scout Links List on the left side of the page and click on the MAP TO SCOUT SHOP link. Or click the title of this post.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Parent Information for the Pack Campout

As a new Scout Parent you maybe wondering what to be prepared for on a Cub Scout Pack Overnighter. Well the first thing you should be aware of is that they are supposed to be FUN!

So I do not repeat some of the good information out there, following are some links to Cub Scout informational websites.

I know this will be an adventure for some families who have never gone camping before. And unless you totaly try to avoid it you will have a little bit of fun. Actually A whole lot of fun.

Gilroy Garden Permission Slip

The Permission Slip for the Gilroy Garden Campout is available online by clicking the title to this Post. If you have any problems please let me, Cubmaster Nishimoto know.