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Cub Scout Races

Cub Scout Projects

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Good luck to our new Boy Scouts

Thank you to all who attended the end of the year advancement and crossing ceremony. The large attendance made it a very special evening for our new Boy Scouts, Raymond Ayala, Andrew Ayala, Ethan King, and Tommy Nishimoto. They worked hard through the past two years and all achieved their Arrow of Light award. We are very proud of them.

Thank you to the Boy Scouts of Troop 116, Scoutmaster Jerry Magnuson, and Assistant Scoutmaster Richard Schnieder for participating in the crossover ceremony and welcoming our scouts into your troop. We know you will guide them to be good scouts and keep them on the Eagle trail.

Congratulations to Elijah King for earning his Bear Badge and to Brady Cole and Mathew Dowty for earning their Tiger and Bobcat Badges. For those cubs who have not finished their badge requirements you may keep on working on them up to the new school year. Have your parents sign off any achievements you complete.

It has been a wonderful year and a pleasure to be the Cubmaster for all our dens. I look forward to seeing you all again when the school year begins in August. Our first regular meeting will be Monday, August 18th at 6:00pm.

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