The Train trip is on and Confirmed - We need money and names of all passengers turned into Mrs. Dowty, ASAP. We need to pay for the tickets during the first week of April. There will be a permission slip and parental information sheet to be filled out by all trip participants. Just a reminder that we need to pay in cash and the tickets are $12 per person round-trip.
We have the following families and number going on the trip, Nishimoto - 6, TheLanders- 4, Ninos- 5-,Rodriguez-3, Arredondo/ Ochoa- 2, Coles- 2, Ivory- 2, Patterson/King- 4, Gamiz- 3, ayala- 6, Dowty- 6, Carrillo- 4, Solorio- 5. We have reserved a total of 60 seats, so there are a few additional seats available so please contact myself or Mrs Dowty if you are not on the list. Also, there are no refunds.
You may ask questions in the comments section.
Thank You.
Cubmaster Nishimoto
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