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Cub Scout Races

Cub Scout Projects

Saturday, August 30, 2008

How To Help Your New or Old Cub Succeed in Cub Scouts

In the link bar on the left side of the BLOG Page is a list of Boy Scout links. Find the one titled "Cub Scout Advancement requirements" Click on this link and it will open up on an official BSA Resource page. On the right side of the page you will find a section on Cub Scouts it is broken down by Cub Ranks. You may also click this Link for the Advancement Info.

This information is also available in your Cub's Handbook. Some people find it easier to read the information as it is presented on the web.

Please communicate any ideas you may have to help your cubs den improve their work on the achievements. We will schedule Parent Leader meetings so that we can have a good plan for success of the Pack and the Cubs. The more parent involvement we have the better. Even an excellent den leader needs support from Cub Scout Parents. Please remember Cub Scouts is a family centered program. Some projects require participation from the whole family and others require parental help to finish.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Welcome to our New Cubs - No Meeting Labor Day

First and most important I would like to welcome our six new Cubs to the Pack: Tiger Cub, Ian Bennett; Wolf Cubs: Manuel Juarez and Anthony Garcia; Bear Cubs: Nicholas Garcia, Michael McMeans and Karlo Patchell. We are always happy to see new cubs entering the Pack. We try to have a lot of fun and do as many activities as we can but it is so much more fun when we have a pack full of Cubs!

Monday September 1st is Labor Day. Lincoln School will be closed so we will not be meeting. So our next meeting will be Monday September 8th at 6:00pm.

You should have your proper scout book for your current Rank. 1st Graders - Tiger Cubs, 2nd Graders-Wolf Cubs, 3rd Graders-Bear Cubs, And 4th & 5th Graders are Webelos. Over the next week or so Cub Scouts should review their Cubs Scout Promise, The Law of the Pack, and the Cub Scout Motto. It is required that all Cub Scouts have this memorized.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Recruitment NIght August 25th

Recruitment Night is Monday August 25th at 6:00pm. Of course guests are welcome anytime but for this meeting we will make sure we have sign up forms and information for parents.

Please invite your friends and or relatives that are eligible for Cub Scouts. Remember Cub Scouts is open to all boys in grades 1 through 5. Our goal is to have 5 - 6 active cubs in each grade level. Parents of future cubs should attend to fill out registration forms and get information on future dates.

Cub Scouts is a Family oriented program teaching citizenship, responsibility, sportsmanship and character development. Cub Scouts can earn badges and awards for sports and academic achievements. We hope to have at least one major field trip this year and several local field trips.

See you all on Monday!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Pack 112 First Meeting of the School Year

Calling all scouts! our first meeting of the 2008-2009 will be at 6:00pm, Monday, August 18, 2008 at the Lincoln School Cafeteria. I am looking forward to see all of our returning scouts again. We have a basic year calendar planned out and will fine tune it each month at a monthly Parent Committee meeting. I would all parents to be involved in our Pack planning this year. We will all have more fun if everyone gives a little input into what they would like the Pack to do.

Remember Cub Scouts is a family program. Your son will progress faster if you participate in den meetings and planning sessions. It is sometimes difficult to wrangle 6 - 11 year old boys together in one room and the more leaders we have the better.

I would like to schedule some field trips this year so if you have access to anything that you think may interest our cubs please let me know. It doesn't take much to have a fun outing and we can do outings as dens or the Pack so size is not an issue.

Looking forward to another great year.

Cubmaster Wally Nishimoto